How To Make Your Laptop Child Safe

Does your child have access to your laptop? You can consider that this is a common story of every household.  

But as parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child is not exposed to the obnoxious contents of the digital world.

Here are the measures that you need to incorporate for making your laptop child safe. Follow them.

·         Create separate user accounts

Unlimited Home Internet Plans Ontario or elsewhere has been the key to endless entertainment. But creating separate user accounts can ensure that the entertainment options of your child do not get nasty.

As you are the owner of the laptop so you will anyway be in charge of administrator account.

Eventually, you will have the right keys in your hand by means of which you can limit the types of software that your kids can download from Best Unlimited High Speed Internet Plans in their user accounts.

·         Set the parental control

Parental control is a holy grail for all the parents who share the same computer and laptop with their kids. So, you can also take full advantage of this option.

For this you have to go to the ‘Settings’ option in your Windows OS and turn on the parental control.

However, one thing that needs to be initiated here is that this parental control comes with different names for different Windows versions. For instance, in Windows 7 you will find the option ‘Parental Controls’ as it is.

But if you use Windows 8, you will not find any such option at all. What you will find instead is ‘Family Safety.’  So, you have to do some homework for finding this option.

Nonetheless, the moment you impose parental control, you enforce a range of limitations on your kid’s internet behavior which may range from the types of sites he may visit, types of files he may upload and download as well as the time limit till when you can enjoy internet accessibility.

You can even block some sites that you consider unfit for your kid so that he cannot access those sites at all.


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